Clinical Services | Ohio State University Nisonger Center

Offers a number of clinics, including interdisciplinary developmental clinic, school-aged autism and developmental disability diagnostic clinic, adult down syndrome clinic & neurodevelopmental psychiatry clinic (dual diagnosis).

Data provided by

LSS 211 Central Ohio

Physical Address

1581 Dodd Drive, Room 357 Mccampbell Hall, Columbus, OH 43210


Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm.


(614) 366-6373

Application process

Telephone. Appointment required.


Vary. Accepts all major insurance programs, Medicaid and Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps. Offers a sliding fee scale.




Spanish translators are available with advance notice.

Service area

Franklin County, Ohio

Agency info

Ohio State University Nisonger Center

Outpatient clinic for diagnosis and assessments of individuals, 18 and under, with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Provides interdisciplinary approaches to developmental assessment in autism, early intervention, audiology and dental services. Support groups for family members. Adaptive toy and assistive technology lending library.