Online Screenings - Depression/substance Abuse | Alcohol, Drug Addiction, And Mental Health Services Board Of Cuyahoga County

Provides a tool designed to simulate a conversation with a doctor in order to guide a person through a series of questions regarding their emotional well-being and readiness to seek help. Program launches after person completes online screening and scores positive for having symptoms of depression or alcohol abuse. Screenings are anonymous, not intended to be a diagnosis but to help indentify signs of mental health and/or addiction issues.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

2012 W 25th St., 6th Flr., Cleveland, OH 44113


24 hours a day, 7 days a week


(216) 861-5067

Application process

Access is online.




No restrictions

Service area

United States

Agency info

Alcohol, Drug Addiction, And Mental Health Services Board Of Cuyahoga County

Responsible and accountable for the planning, funding and monitoring of public mental health services and alcohol and other substance use disorder treatment and prevention services delivered to the residents of Cuyahoga County.