Jefferson County 2-1-1 | United Way Of Jefferson County

Provides referrals to social services for residents of Jefferson County. Refers callers to the appropriate provider with follow-up and advocacy provided as needed. Maintains a computerized database of nonprofit and government services that is available to the public to search at

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

511 North 4th Street, Steubenville, OH 43952


- By phone or website: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. - Live text: Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding holidays).


(844) 318-3911

voice | Jefferson County 2-1-1


(740) 283-2103

Application process

Call the 2-1-1 Department to obtain service. Or text your zip code to 898211 during live text hours. Or search the 2-1-1 database online at


No fee.


Serves Jefferson County residents or those seeking services in Jefferson County.


- By phone: Utilizes Language Line with interpretation services for 170 languages. - Online database is searchable in other languages using the Google Translate function.

Service area

Jefferson County, Ohio

Agency info

United Way Of Jefferson County

Provides shoes to youth in need.