Neighborhood Family Supportive Services | East End Neighborhood House

Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits, to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success. Service provided by professional social workers. Includes assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent, parenting skills for foster parents, adoption and foster care support groups and life skills education.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

2749 Woodhill Rd., Cleveland, OH 44104


M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm


(216) 791-9754

Application process

Call for information or to make an appointment.




Serves residents aged 18 and over of the Buckeye neighborhood in Cleveland, Fairfax, Garden Valley, East 93rd, and Woodland Hills, zip codes 44104 44106

Service area

Ohio Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Agency info

East End Neighborhood House

Provides families in the community with culturally diverse and compassionate social services, education and activities so each member might become self-sufficient and thrive.