Lifeline Inc: Individual Development Account (ida) | Lifeline Inc.

Provides an opportunity for low-income individuals and families to open individual development accounts (IDAs) which enable them to build assets that can be used for post secondary education and training, business capitalization and home ownership. Provides matching funds, usually two (2) dollars for every one (1) dollar saved. Program is affiliated with Ohio CDC (

Data provided by

Lifeline Lake County 211

Physical Address

8 North State Street, Suite 300, Painesville, OH 44077


Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Closed Friday.

Application process

Call for an appointment.




Individual must have earned income. Household income at or above 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Must attend ten (10) hours financial empowerment classes and an additional five (5) to eight (8) hours of asset specific training classes.



Service area

Lake County, Ohio

Agency info

Lifeline Inc.

Offers a variety of human and social services programs to empower residents of Lake County to achieve self-sufficiency.