Simba Mentoring Program | Franklin County Children Services

Program is based on Africentric mentoring and rites of passage. Simba matches African American male youths with African American men from the community to act as role models and give friendship, support, and guidance to the young men. Mentors are assigned for a minimum of six months.

Data provided by

LSS 211 Central Ohio

Physical Address

855 West Mound Street, Columbus, OH 43223


Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm for information. Visits as arranged. Mentors are required a minimum two face-to-face visits per month.


(614) 229-7100

voice | Other


(614) 229-7000

voice | Abuse and Neglect


(614) 275-2755


(614) 341-6004

voice | Adoptions

Application process

Telephone. Email.




Children- African-American boys ages 5-18 years old. Mentors- African-American men 18 years of age or older with a valid driver's license and insurance.

Service area

Franklin County, Ohio

Agency info

Franklin County Children Services

Children Services is mandated by law to protect and care for the county's abused, neglected and dependent children, and troubled youth. It carries out its mandate: Protecting children by strenghtening families through the dedication of 100 employees, 20 adoptive families, 600 volunteers and more than 100 partner agencies.