Case Management Services | Butler County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

Provide in-home support and coaching to families with children under 3 years old. Arrange support for people 3 years old and up through their lifetime, if needed. Provide funding to individuals so they can choose provider agencies who support them to engage in their community through day services, recreation and employment.

Data provided by

211 UWGC

Physical Address

282 North Fair Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45011


Days: Monday - Friday Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


(513) 820-5081

fax | Administration Dep


(513) 867-5913

voice | After hours emergency


(513) 820-5080


(513) 867-5916

voice | After hours emergency

Application process

Eligibility & Referral Department: 513-785-4683


Eligibility & Referral Department: 513-785-4683


English, Spanish

Service area

Butler County, Ohio

Agency info

Butler County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

County Board of Developmental Disabilities supports 3,000 people to live, work and learn successfully in their community located in Butler County