Somali Program | Buckeye Ranch

Provides mental health services to Somali youth. Assessment, diagnosis and mental health treatment is delivered from a culturally sensitive perspective providing special consideration of the Somali population. Offers assistance with parent/child conflict, school difficulties, counseling, case management, psychiatric services and family therapy.

Data provided by

LSS 211 Central Ohio

Physical Address

2440 Dawnlight Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211


Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm.

Application process





Somali youth infant-19 years old.

Service area

Franklin County, Ohio

Agency info

Buckeye Ranch

Provides a comprehensive continuum of mental health care for children, adolescents and families. Services include secure/intensive residential, treatment foster care, intensive in-home counseling, day treatment facilities, case management services, visitation exchange program, outpatient office-based therapy and substance abuse treatment for adolescents.