Hope Lodge | American Cancer Society
Provides free housing to any adult who has come to Cleveland to receive cancer treatment or related procedures at a local care provider. Patients may stay as long as treatment continues. Each room has two double beds, so up to three family members/caregivers may stay with the patient free of charge. Cooking facilities are provided, but residents must provide food. Free laundry facilities available.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
11432 Mayfield Rd., Cleveland, OH 44106
24hrs a day, 7 days a week
Application process
Phone for information M-F: 9:00am-9:00pm. Will need to be referred by a medical center providing treatment or care. There is a waiting list for this service.
Must be age 18 or older and must be in Cleveland to receive cancer treatment or related care at a local medical provider. Must live at least 40 miles (or about an hour drive) outside of the Cleveland hospital. Must be accompanied by at least one adult caregiver. Minor children are not permitted to stay,
Service area
United States
Agency info
American Cancer Society
Works toward the elimination of cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer via research funding, education, advocacy and service. Provides information about both cancer and resources for cancer patients. Also sponsors a range of support groups and one-to-one visitation programs for cancer patients.