American Council Of The Blind Of Ohio | American Council Of The Blind Of Ohio

The Council offers Information & Referral services to Ohio residents and their families experiencing blindness and vision loss. Support groups and weekend activities are offered at various times throughout the year. ACB Ohio has a state conference held in Columbus each fall. Also, people interested in becoming a member for a small fee will recieve a quarterly newsletter.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

3805 North High Street, Suite 305, Columbus, OH 43214


Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 4:00pm.

Application process





None. ACB-Ohio provides information and support to Ohioans who are blind or visually impaired and their families.

Service area

Madison County, Ohio Clark County, Ohio Champaign County, Ohio

Agency info

American Council Of The Blind Of Ohio

Offers information and resource services statewide for people and their families experiencing vision loss.