Provides services to victims of domestic, sexual violence and their children, and those who are trying to escape sex trafficking including the following: - Temporary safe emergency housing, face-to-face and phone crisis intervention - Provision of emergency needs - Financial and housing assistance - Safety planning - Legal advocacy - Support individually and in group settings - Exploration and discussion of options - Information and referrals
Data provided by
UW 211 Greater Toledo
No fees
- All survivors regardless of gender or gender identity and their children, needing emergency safe shelter to exit a domestic or sexually violent situation, including those trying to escape sex trafficking - Those seeking shelter who are under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian - No geographical restrictions, but priority is for Wood County residents.
- Interpretation services available - Spanish
Agency info
Provides comprehensive community-based advocacy services and emergency shelter for survivors of domestic and sexual violence including sex trafficking, rape, stalking and harassment.