Provides aid to families in the form of a voucher to buy items or pay for services that are emergencies and non-recurring (a situation not extending beyond 4 months) and which cannot be addressed using existing community resources. Assistance is provided only for items that are essential for the applicant's employment, job training, or education such as: car repairs (does not cover normal "wear and tear" items such as oil change, tires, brake pads); work clothing and uniforms, washer or dryer (only if needed for work purposes), and education related equipment (such as tools). Maximum assistance limits (once per calendar year): $500 for education-related equipment, $225 for work or education uniforms, $750 for car repairs (additional restrictions also apply). In addition to these specific limits, applicant cannot exceed yearly limit of $1,500 in aid from the overall PRC program ($750 if non-custodial guardian). Does not help with short term transportation needs such as gas cards or bus fare. Does not help with GED testing fees.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
8111 Quincy Ave., Cleveland, OH 44104
M-F: 9:00am-4:00pm
(216) 391-5122
(216) 987-7700
Fax | For faxing documents
Application process
Applications may be picked up and dropped off (in drop-box) at Neighborhood Family Service Centers M-F: 9:00am-4:00pm. Applications are available on website and can then be emailed or faxed to the agency. May also call the PRC Hotline to request an application by mail, to check the status of an application, or with questions about the application process (applications can't be done over the phone, the hotline can only answer questions that the applicant may have about the application) M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm (if no answer, leave a voice mail and the call will be returned within one to two business days). Clients should should also notify third party (such as job training program or employer) that application is pending. If approved, client will pick up their voucher at the Virgil Brown Neighborhood Family Service Center and will then have to locate a store that will accept the voucher. The client turns the voucher over to the store for the items purchased and then the vendor signs the voucher and returns it to JFS who will then mail a check to the store. JFS does not have any formal agreement with any vendors to accept PRC vouchers - it is up to the vendors to accept them (clients should call around to find stores that take the voucher). May also call the PRC Hotline for help with the application process or to check the status of an application M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm (if no answer, leave a voice mail and the call will be returned within one to two business days). Once all required verifications are received from the applicant, the PRC application should be approved or denied as quickly as possible, but no later than 10 calendar days (but in some cases, this may take up to 30 days). Notification shall be given in person or sent by mail within two (2) business days of the application decision.
*Serves Cuyahoga County households with Income must be 200% of the Federal poverty level or less. *Must have at least one child under the age of 18 (or through age 18 if the child is still in high school) or be pregnant (in the third trimester). *In certain cases, will serve non-custodial fathers or mothers if they are enrolled with OWF (Ohio Works First), food stamps and/or Medicaid. These clients must be current with their Child Support Order). *Applicants must explore other community resources that may meet the current need (this can be accomplished by calling 2-1-1). *Applicant must be employed, attending approved, accredited training or post-secondary education programs or actively seeking employment with Ohio Means Jobs. *At least one member of the family must be a U.S. citizen or qualified alien. *Any liquid assets over $1000 must be used as co-pay towards meeting the need in question. * MUST demonstrate a change in circumstance (such as starting a job training program, car trouble, etc.) within the past 12 months which led to the situation, and all attempts to solve the problem should be documented. *Assistance is limited to once in a four month period for non-employed families and once per month for employed families. * Cannot assist in purchasing any item that requires additional financing. *DOES NOT SERVE fugitive felons, and those who have been convicted of program fraud where repayment has not yet occurred. SANCTIONED PERSONS CAN STILL QUALIFY if applying for PRC within 30 days of the end of the sanction period.
Agency info
Operates several Neighborhood Family Service Centers which provide cash benefits (such as Ohio Works First welfare benefits), food assistance (food stamps), medical coverage, employment/training assistance, child care vouchers, and supportive services to Cuyahoga County residents who meet eligibility requirements. Clients are assigned to a Service Center according to their zip code. Spanish-speaking staff are available.