Medicaid Health Insurance - Aged Out Of Foster Care | Medina County Job And Family Services
Provides public insurance to cover medical services that may include doctor visits, some prescription drugs, hospital care, home care, long-term care, medical equipment, transportation, mental health, vision, dental, substance abuse services, and other services.
Data provided by
211 Summit
Physical Address
232 Northland Drive, Medina, OH 44256
Same as site hours.
(330) 722-3383
Application process
Job and Family Services receives a monthly list of those aging out of foster care, documents the clients' unique status, and opens the Medicaid case. Clients may apply or update their information by calling the Contact Center or via the website.
No fee to apply. Once receiving coverage, individual programs may charge co-payments for some services.
Serves those age 18 through 26 who have aged out of foster care and who reside in Medina County.
Service area
Medina County, Ohio
Agency info
Medina County Job And Family Services
A local government agency providing public assistance, workforce development, and other social service programs to qualified applicants of Medina County, Ohio.