Justice System Advocacy | Journey Center For Safety And Healing

Offers assistance in dealing with the justice system to individual victims of domestic violence (including elder abuse), stalking or related crimes. Includes information on the legal process, safety planning, and planning for next steps in the legal process. Advocates are not attorneys but have access to lists of attorneys who are knowledgeable about domestic violence. Advocates are assigned to the criminal municipal courts and are available assist victims with the criminal court process, including temporary protective orders. Accompaniment to court is provided to victims who live in the areas served. Accompaniment services are available for victims with criminal complaints, child custody cases, juvenile court cases if the parents have been together but never married, divorce cases, and domestic relations cases. Those who are clients may have access to donated cell phones to use in emergencies.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

2806 Payne Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114


M-Th: 9:00am-7:00pm; F: 9:00am-5:00pm, or when callers are available to safely receive calls from the advocate.


(216) 391-4357

voice | NUMBER IS 391-HELP

Application process

Phone the Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make an appointment or for information. If caller reaches Advocate's voicemail, leave a message that includes a time to call back at a number that can safely receive a call from the Advocate. Information (but not appointments) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the Helpline. Callers should ask agency for assistance in arranging care for pets, if needed.




Survivors of domestic violence, stalking, and related crimes, aged 18 and over. Agency accepts all survivors of domestic violence regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This includes transgender as well as gender diverse individuals. Those wanting accompaniment to court must have a case in Berea, Euclid, Garfield Heights, Lakewood, Rocky River, Parma, Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, Lyndhurst, or South Euclid municipal courts. Accompaniment services not available for cases brought in Bedford, or East Cleveland municipal courts, all of whom have their own advocates. Available legal information covers Cuyahoga County courts and statutes only.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Journey Center For Safety And Healing

Provides services that foster safety and healing to those affected by child abuse and domestic violence. Helps to prevent abuse through education, advocacy, and systemic change.