Florida Disaster Fund | State Of Ohio Emergency Management Agency

The Volunteer Florida Website (https://www.volunteerflorida.org/serving-during-disasters/ ) offers the following methods for those who want to donate to help Hurricane Ian victims. Cash- Cash is the most flexible and effective form of donation. To donate to the Florida Disaster Fund, visit the website, www.volunteerflorida.org or text "DISASTER" ($10) or "DISASTER25" ($25) to 20222. Confirm - If not donating cash, confirm that there is a legitimate need before collecting items and material donations. Volunteers are also encouraged to affiliate with established organizations and ensure that they are needed before visiting impacted areas. Connect - Volunteers are a critical part of a well-coordinated disaster recovery effort. To volunteer, visit the website above and register on the volunteer database. Please be patient and do not go to Florida on your own to help- organizations will contact qualified volunteers as soon as possible.

Data provided by

211 Pathways

Physical Address

2855 West Dublin-granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235-2712




(614) 889-7183

Application process

To donate to the Florida Disaster Fund, visit the website, www.volunteerflorida.org or text "DISASTER" ($10) or "DISASTER25" ($25) to 20222.




Open to the public.

Service area

United States

Agency info

State Of Ohio Emergency Management Agency

The primary mission of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate activities to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. This mission is carried out by closely interfacing with local, state and federal agencies in an effort to bring resources of recovery and support to Ohioans impacted by the disaster. In addition to disaster response and recovery, Ohio EMA agency activities include: education, training, planning and preparedness - strengthening Ohio's first responder capabilities and improving communication across the state.