The Drive to Succeed Scholarship Program, administered through the Knox County Health Department, is to expand access to driver’s education training for income-eligible teenagers by providing a scholarship to those who cannot afford to take driver’s education training. The student will provide a $25 deposit to the school that will then be used for their driving test.

Data provided by

211 Pathways

Physical Address

11660 Upper Gilchrist Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050


Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm; Open unitil 6pm Third Tuesday of each month.


(740) 392-2200

Main | Automated answer with options to contact specific divisions


(740) 392-9613


(740) 399-8008

Hotline | Connects to 9-1-1 for access to HD personnel after-hours

Application process

If you have any questions or concerns about eligibility, contact Suzanne Dapprich, Drive to Succeed grant coordinator, at [email protected] or 740.392.2200, ext. 2225. Completed applications can be emailed to Suzanne Dapprich ([email protected]), mailed, or dropped off at Knox Public Health, ATTN Suzanne Dapprich, 11660 Upper Gilchrist Rd., Mount Vernon. Only fully-completed applications will be considered for the scholarship. Applications will be accepted anytime. Reviews and selections will be made within two weeks of the application being submitted.




-- Students need to be between the ages of 15-17 to apply. A newly turned 15-year-old can apply, but they must be 15 years and 5 months to start the driving class. (Applications of students enrolled in high school who are 18 years old will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please note that if an 18-year-old is approved for the scholarship and fails their driving class, they will be required to take an adult class at their own expense.) - Students must attend a Knox County public school including the Knox County Career Center or be a home school student who resides in Knox County. - Student applicants cannot: be a current licensed driver, have taken a driver’s education class before, or be currently enrolled in a driver’s education class. - Students need to show financial eligibility by providing documentation through one of the following programs: -School reduced/free lunch - WIC/SNAP - Medicaid Recipient - Students need to provide one letter of recommendation from a non-family member. Letter is recommended from a teacher, coach, or another school employee. Letter needs to address attendance, accountability and character of student who is applying for the scholarship.

Agency info


A combined general health district with jurisdiction for all of Knox County. Promotes and protects the public's health, safety and well being by identifying community health needs and developing policies and programs to address those needs. Provides a full range of quality services, from community health promotion and environmental protection to direct health services.