Community-based Support Services | Cocoon (the)

Provides community-based support services to all survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children. Community-based services include but are not limited to crisis support, weekly support group, linkages to assistance with food security, legal and medical cases, child care, employment, housing and more.

Data provided by

UW 211 Greater Toledo

Physical Address


Crisis support Mon-Sun 24 hours; Other service hours vary


(419) 373-1730

voice | 24/7 Press 2


(419) 353-7354


No fees


Survivors, regardless of gender or gender identity, and their children, who are exiting a domestic or sexually violent situation, including those trying to escape sex trafficking


- Interpretation services available - Spanish

Service area

Sandusky County, Ohio Ottawa County, Ohio Wood County, Ohio Seneca County, Ohio

Agency info

Cocoon (the)

Provides comprehensive community-based advocacy services and emergency shelter for survivors of domestic and sexual violence including sex trafficking, rape, stalking and harassment.