Senior Center - Supportive Services | Broadview Heights City Of -

Provides assistance in locating and accessing various social services and may provide outreach in the home in some circumstances. Offers assistance with filling out applications and forms and provides daily telephone reassurance for seniors and the homebound.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

9543 Broadview Rd., Broadview Hts., OH 44147


Varies with service; forms assistance offered M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm.


(440) 717-1256

Application process

Phone for information.




Serves residents of Broadview Heights. Targets seniors 60 or older and those who are disabled; however, offers assistance to all residents of Broadview Heights.

Service area

Broadview Hts., Ohio

Agency info

Broadview Heights City Of -

Administers public services for the residents of the City of Broadview Heights.