Provides assistance for adults with developmental disabilities to find a job of their choice in the community. We continue supports through training and follow along with the person and their employer. Richland Newhope Industries, Inc. (RNI, Inc.) specializes in successfully matching the needs of the employer with the skills that the individual requesting services possess. The community employment team not only supports the individuals requesting services, but also the employers in the community. The team offers job shadows and job assessments to individuals who are not yet sure of their vocational interest. This will provide the individual with more knowledge of the job market in order to make a more informed career decision. Work crews in janitorial and lawn service serve local business and residential customers. Industrial Services - RNI, Inc. operates two productions sites with training and employment in light assembly, packaging, fulfillment, wooden pallets, stakes, picture frames, electronic recycling and document imaging for individuals to develop work skills. Social/Integration Services - Activities of daily living, sensory stimulation and socialization are designed to help each individual interact with their environment and the community in a meaningful way. Options for Seniors - Individuals who have chosen to retire enjoy social, leisure and skill based activities. Volunteer opportunities in the community are emphasized. Community Integrated Services - Quality activities are structured around each individual's interests. Self-Advocacy - RNI, Inc. supports self-advocacy efforts, locally and throughout the State. Additional operations include the City Garden Café located in the Mansfield City Building serving breakfast and lunch items and the Element of Art Studio/Gallery located across from the Carrousel, showcasing works of art produced by artists with developmental disabilities. Art works include acrylics, photographs, pottery, glassware and jewelry. We provide wood products, lawn and janitorial services to local residents and businesses.

Data provided by

211 Mansfield OH

Physical Address

150 East Fourth Street, Mansfield, OH 44902-0916


Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm


(419) 774-4370

Main | Manager of Business Development *call for yard work


(419) 774-4409

Application process

Initial meeting with Richland Newhope Industries, Inc. intake personnel.


"If" there is a fee, the sliding scale is based on the individual's income.


Based on the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument. Must have a developmental disability or referred through Opportunities for Ohioans with a Disabilities.


Will provide a translator or signer.

Agency info


Provides training opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities including employment, community socialization, and transportation services. In addition, provides services to businesses throughout the region.