Substance Abuse - Residential Treatment | Lake Geauga Recovery Centers
Provides residential substance abuse treatment for people who are in the late stages of addiction. Support and counseling are offered to family members of the individual in treatment.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
800 Oak St., Painesville, OH 44077
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Asks for a 90-day commitment.
Application process
Phone for information M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm. There is a waiting list for this program.
Offers sliding scale for service for residents of Lake or Geauga Counties. Accepts Medicaid and private insurers (if they are willing to cover treatment).
Serves residents of Geauga or Lake counties (but will consider those from other counties). Accepts women age 18 and older and can accomidate pregnant women as well as mothers with up to two children (age five years or younger).
Service area
United States
Agency info
Lake Geauga Recovery Centers
Provides counseling, treatment, prevention and other services for those whose lives are affected by their own or another person's use of alcohol or other drugs.