Covid-19 Information And Education | Knox Public Health

Offers information and education to the community regarding COVID-19.

Data provided by

211 Pathways

Physical Address

11660 Upper Gilchrist Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050


Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm; Open unitil 6pm Third Tuesday of each month. Closed for all federal and state holidays.


(740) 392-2200

voice | Automated answer with options to contact specific divisions


(740) 399-8008

voice | Connects to 9-1-1 for access to HD personnel after-hours


(740) 392-9613

Application process

Call for information.




Knox County residents.

Service area

Knox County, Ohio

Agency info

Knox Public Health

A combined general health district with jurisdiction for all of Knox County. Promotes and protects the public's health, safety and well being by identifying community health needs and developing policies and programs to address those needs. Provides a full range of quality services, from community health promotion and environmental protection to direct health services.