Bingham Terrace Apartments | Harrison Metropolitan Housing Authority

A 56-unit complex consisting of 14 one-bedroom, 28 two-bedroom, and 14 three-bedroom apartments. All apartments are non-smoking, furnished with stove and refrigerator, and have central heat and air conditioning.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

451 North Main Street, Cadiz, OH 43907


Same as site hours.


(740) 942-2215

voice | Bingham Terrace Apartments


(740) 942-8372

voice | Harrison Metropolitan Housing Authority

Application process

- Must complete an application to be placed on the waiting list. - Applications are available at either the Bingham Terrace or Harrison Metropolitan Housing Authority (HMHA) office. - Application may be requested by phone or email, or it can be downloaded from the website. - The order of the waiting list is determined by date and time received, as well as verified preference points. Available preference points may include Veteran’s preference. Veteran’s preferences will be confirmed prior to points being given. - Once the applicant has reached the top of the waiting list, HMHA will contact the applicant for additional information to determine final admission eligibility to participate in the chosen program.


- Rent is based on the Section 8 program and includes water, sewer, and trash collection. - Tenants are responsible for the cost of electric. - Deductions are given for families with minors, as well as medical deductions for elderly tenants.


Serves residents of Harrison County that meet certain income and other eligibility. Call for details.



Service area

Harrison County, Ohio

Agency info

Harrison Metropolitan Housing Authority

A public housing agency that provides affordable housing under the public housing and section 8 programs to low- to moderate-income persons.