Sober Living Program | Ed Keating Center

Offers sober living facilities for people who are recovering from substance use disorders (alcohol or drugs). For the first 3 months residents attend support groups and cannot be employed. Following that, residents may choose to continue to live at the center and obtain employment. Provides residents with supportive services, such as GED classes.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

3443 E 93rd St., Cleveland, OH 44104


24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Average stay is about 6-9 months but there is no maximum length of stay.

Application process

Phone M-F: 9:00am-3:00pm for information or to apply.




Serves age 18 and older with a substance use disorder and a desire to recover. Cannot use drugs or alcohol. Does not usually accept people on medication. Cannot be convicted of arson. Does not accept sexual offenders.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Ed Keating Center

Provides sober living facilities for men and women.