Fathers And Families Together (faft) - Workshops/activities | Centers For Families And Children - The

Provides a family resource center that provides information, printed materials, workshops and activities for fathers and their families. Workshops cover a variety of topics including, but not limited to, men's health, finances, and relationship building for couples. Offers structured activities, as well as drop-in activities such as ping-pong and other games for fathers and their children.

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211 Cleveland

Physical Address

1941 S Taylor Rd., Cleveland Hts., OH 44118


M-F: 9:30am-8:00pm; workshops generally have a set number of sessions that vary with the workshop. Contact facilitator for schedule.


(216) 932-8377

Application process

Phone for information or to register M-F: 9:30am-5:00pm




Serves fathers and their children/families in Cuyahoga County.

Service area

Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Agency info

Centers For Families And Children - The

Mission of the organization is to improve the lives of those it serves through integrated behavioral health, primary care, early learning, and workforce services