10 & Under Program | Montgomery County Juvenile Court

Assist youth ages ten and under who have been referred to Court for allegedly being unruly or having committed serious felony offenses. This program provides services ranging from counseling, anger management, specialized diagnostic assessments, neglect issues, sex offenses and use of illicit substances. In addition the program offers the necessary services to the youth and their family to address and identify these concerns. Youth without charges can also be served by the 10 & Under program. Youth as young as six can be handled through the 10 & Under program. 10 & Under referrals can be made at anytime the center is open 24/7. For scheduled screenings with the Care Coordination Team can be made for Tuesdays and Wednesday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

380 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45422


24/7 12:00am - 11:59pm


(937) 496-7270


(937) 225-4162

voice | Juvenile Court Probation


(937) 225-4141

voice | Juvenile Court Intervention

Application process

Must call for appointment

Service area

Montgomery County, Ohio

Agency info

Montgomery County Juvenile Court

Provides jurisdiction over referred cases of delinquent, unruly dependent and neglected children, juvenile traffic offenders, and under special conditions, minors who apply for consent to marry.