Support Group | American Council Of The Blind Of Ohio

Sponsors local community chapters that provide support services and general advocacy for the blind or visually impaired and their family members. Helps members find minor equipment, such as magnifying devices, and makes referrals to other local agencies.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address


Varies between locations.


(800) 835-2226

voice | Main Site


(216) 282-6678

voice | Cleveland Chapter

Application process

Phone or visit website for more information. Can call local or toll free number to obtain information, including information for local support group.


Support group is free. There is a fixed fee to join the American Council of the Blind and receive further services.


Serves the blind or visually impaired and their family members. Must be a member for referrals of minor equipment, but non-members may attend support groups.

Service area

United States

Agency info

American Council Of The Blind Of Ohio

State-wide service offering supportive services and general advocacy to individuals who are blind or visually impaired. May be able to provide information on how to obtain minor equipment, such as magnifying devices.