Education Testing/exam Preparation/tutoring | Cuyahoga Heights School District

Provides aptitude testing and proficiency test preparation. Tutorial services and assistance with study skills provided to students if needed.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

4820 E 71st St., Cuyahoga Hts., OH 44125


Varies with school


(216) 341-3737

Application process

Phone for information M-F: 7:30am-3:30pm, may have shorter hours in the summer.




Youth through age 21 who reside in the district of the Cuyahoga Heights Schools; the Cuyahoga Heights Schools serves all of Cuyahoga Hts., Brooklyn Hts., and Valley View.

Service area

Valley View, Ohio Brooklyn Hts., Ohio Cuyahoga Hts., Ohio

Agency info

Cuyahoga Heights School District

Offers public education through high school, as well as a variety of community education and recreation programs.