Reporting And Information - Street / Basement Flooding | Euclid City Of - Department Of Public Works

Provides inspection of basement with standing water to assess the cause of the backup. If possible, will snake line to clear blockage.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

585 E 222nd St., Euclid, OH 44123


M-F: 7:30am-3:30pm for general information or to report a sewer back up. May also post a service request online any time.


(216) 289-8362

Application process

Call to report standing water in basement. Leave message with name, phone number, and address. Call will be returned as soon as possible. An inspector will be sent to determine the cause of backup and to snake the line, if possible. After hours can post a service request onlineFor storm damaged material, place items on tree lawn.




Serves those who own property in the city of Euclid with standing water in basement. If water is flowing into the drain, city will not send out a maintenance crew.

Service area

Euclid, Ohio

Agency info

Euclid City Of - Department Of Public Works

Provides public services for the City of Euclid that include trash collection, snow and ice removal, recycling, street and sign maintenance, and maintenance of public buildings, parks, and recreational facilities.