Lake Geauga Recovery Centers: Twelve Meadows | Lake Geauga Recovery Centers

Offers a safe, sober and healthy living environment following the completion of primary treatment.

Data provided by

Lifeline Lake County 211

Physical Address

12700 Ravenna Road, Chardon, OH 44024


24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


(440) 255-0678

voice | Administration

Application process

Individuals can be referred by an agency or directly contact Lake-Geaug Recovery Centers.


Offers a sliding scale.


Open to individuals age 18 and over who have completed a primary treatment program and have been clean and sober a minimum of 30 days. Must follow a 12-step program or have an established recovery path.



Service area

Lake County, Ohio Geauga County, Ohio

Agency info

Lake Geauga Recovery Centers

Promotes lifelong recovery from addiction through education, prevention, and treatment regardless of ability to pay.