Addiction Intervention | Family Life Counseling

Addiction Intervention is a way to harness the love, power and influence of family members and friends of addicted persons. Based off of a nationally recognized program, the addiction intervention service has proven successful 80-85% of the time (success is defined by the loved one agreeing to enter treatment).

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211 Mansfield OH

Physical Address

151 Marion Avenue, Mansfield, OH 44903-2274


Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm. There are individual and group services offered after 5pm upon request.


(419) 774-9969

voice | Mansfield Office


(567) 292-9211

voice | Shelby Office


(419) 756-5642

Application process

Family members and friends are encouraged to contact Family Life Counseling and request an Addiction Intervention. (419) 774-9969


The Richland County Mental Health & Addiction Services board allocated $47,500 for addiction intervention services. The first 100 addiction interventions will be free, after that it will be $475 for the entire process (which includes five meetings with a trained interventionist). The allocation from the Mental Health Board only qualifies for Richland County residents.


If you are concerned about your loved one's addiction, please call. The first meeting will determine if an intervention is appropriate for your case - if it is not appropriate we will suggest another method of care.

Service area

Richland County, Ohio

Agency info

Family Life Counseling

Provides counseling services for those who need assistance in dealing with life's difficulties. Provides individual, family and group mental health counseling. In-home and office based counseling available. Provides drug and alcohol treatment services. Offers Christian counseling upon request. Provides counseling that makes a difference in children, teens, adults, and marriages.