Recovery Homes/halfway Houses | Community Transition Center
Community Transition Center is a halfway house specifically designed to provide housing and other related services for convicted felons upon their release from various institutions. C.T.C. opened its doors in October 1997 in Lancaster, Ohio and serves the Southeastern region. Community Transition Center believes in an individual approach to each case and uses that philosophy as a basis to assist clients with their needs. Many clients come to Community Transition Center with a myriad of issues that need attention. A comprehensive assessment of those needs is completed during the intake process. Clients complete in-house programming as well as receiving referrals to outside agencies when their needs are not within the scope of programming available at Community Transition Center. The vast majorities of clients have been involved in traditional substance abuse programming and are well aware of what working a program of recovery means. Most clients have participated in institutional programming or in-patient rehabilitation programs in the community. Although most clients come to this program directly from an institution, some have been released to the community but have relapsed to their previous drug of choice and placed at Community Transition Center in lieu of jail time. Community Transition Center also has programming available for behavior-based crimes not relevant to drug or alcohol use. Clients will participate in a number of groups focusing on their previous behavior and how to change their thinking patterns for more positive results. Community Transition Center strives to make the services offered help agencies to better serve offenders and the community. If at anytime you have questions, please feel free to contact one of our friendly and courteous staff.
Data provided by
211 Pathways
Physical Address
151 East Hubert Avenue, Lancaster, OH 43130
(740) 689-0191
Application process
Call intake line at 740-689-1200 ext 102.
30 days/$1500.
Admission of adult male felony offenders; male transitional control offenders. Rejection of sex offenders (prosecuted or not), history of arson, mental health issues/medications or violent offense (current charge). ORAS score of moderate or higher.
Service area
Agency info
Community Transition Center
Community Transition Center is an alternative to incarceration available for offenders referred by the criminal justice system, which provides appropriate programming, services and close monitoring in a professional residential setting to improve the offender's sense of responsibility while reintegrating into the community as a productive citizen.