Maternal Depression Counseling | Ohio Guidestone - Summit And Medina Offices

Offers counseling services including mental health screening and assessment to pregnant and postpartum women struggling with depression or anxiety as a result of the recent changes in their lives.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

246 Northland Drive, Medina, OH 44256


By appointment only.


(440) 260-2945

voice | Medina Office


(844) 622-5564

voice | Switchboard - Service Inquiries

Application process

Call the intake number or email intake for more information.


Accepts Medicaid and private insurances. Call for details.


Serves pregnant and postpartum women in Summit and Medina Counties.



Service area

Summit County, Ohio Medina County, Ohio

Agency info

Ohio Guidestone - Summit And Medina Offices

Offers a continuum of services to respond to the individual mental health and developmental needs of the community's most vulnerable children and their families.