Dcrc Vocational Support Services | Deaf Community Resource Center

DCRC provides vocational support services in a variety of ways. For those enrolled in OOD, DCRC can provide skills training to help get a job or a better job. Consumers can learn how to write an effective resume, fill out applications, and practice interview skills. DCRC will advocate for support services and teach consumers to advocate for their needs. Once the consumer has a job, DCRC can provide on-the-job support through the training and orientation period. DCRC also has general educational workshops related to vocational development open to all.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

2430 Van Buren Avenue, Springfield, OH 45505


8:30am- 5:00pm or by appointment


(937) 688-1468

voice | Video Phone


(937) 558-0745


(937) 222-2434

voice | DCRC Administrative Office

Application process

Tell your OOD Counselor you choose DCRC as your vocational support provider, for those already enrolled or with OOD. Contact us to talk about your needs. We can guide you to the next steps.




Age 14 and older


ASL- American Sign Language

Service area

Preble County, Ohio Greene County, Ohio Montgomery County, Ohio

Agency info

Deaf Community Resource Center

Deaf Community Resource Center offers a variety of programs including: Vocational Services - Assist and advocate for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to find jobs in conjunction with OOD; Case Management and Counseling - Provide practical and emotional support to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and their families; Early Intervention for Hearing Loss - Provides education, support and advocacy to families who have infants identified as having a hearing loss in conjunction with Help Me Grow and DODD statewide services; Deaf Kids and Families- Provide social opportunities and family to family support opportunities as well as summer camps for deaf and hard of hearing kids. Goal and career exploration for teens and young adults; Peer Recovery Support for deaf and hard of hearing who are struggling with opioid use.