Alien Emergency Medical Assistance (aema) | Medina County Job And Family Services
Provides a State and Federally funded medical care benefit (a form of Medicaid) to foreign nationals, immigrants, refugees/entrants/asylees, permanent residents and undocumented persons who are hospitalized for childbirth or experience an emergency medical condition during their stay in the County, and who have limited resources.
Data provided by
211 Summit
Physical Address
232 Northland Drive, Medina, OH 44256
Same as site hours.
(330) 722-3383
Application process
Apply though a medical social worker at the hospital involved, or the hospital billing office may assist. Otherwise, submit a completed Medicaid application to the office by mail, fax or in person.
No fee.
- Available to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen who is staying in Medina County (may be documented or undocumented). - Must have experienced the sudden onset of an emergency medical condition. - Must be both categorically and financially eligible for Medicaid other than its citizenship requirement: - Age over 65, blind or disabled, a child in a family with income up to 200% of poverty, a pregnant woman up to 200% of poverty, or parents of a child up to 90% of poverty. - If not already determined, disability status will be determined by the County Medical Services Board (a State agency).
Assistance for those with disabilities or language requirements can be arranged for with advance notice.
Service area
Medina County, Ohio
Agency info
Medina County Job And Family Services
A local government agency providing public assistance, workforce development, and other social service programs to qualified applicants of Medina County, Ohio.