Www.smokefree.gov | National Cancer Institute

Offers a website for those wishing to quit smoking or chewing tobacco with information about a wide range of topics related to smoking. Provides quit plans and publications to download or order online. Offers specialized information for women, youth, adults 60 and over, Veterans, and Spanish-speakers.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

9609 Medical Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892


24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


(800) 422-6237

voice | 1-800-4-CANCER


(877) 448-7848

voice | Quit Helpline 1-877-44U-QUIT

Application process

Visit www.SmokeFree.gov. - For women, visit online at women.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefreewomen" at the top of the home page. - For youth, visit online at teen.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefreeteen" at the top of the home page. - For Veterans, visit online at veterans.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefreevet" at the top of the home page. - For Spanish, visit online at espanol.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefreeespanol" at the top of the home page. - For Adults 60 and over, visit online at 60plus.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefree60+" at the top of the home page.


No fee.


Serves ages 13 and over.


For Spanish, visit online at espanol.smokefree.gov or www.SmokeFree.gov and select "smokefreeespanol" at the top of the home page.

Service area

United States

Agency info

National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute, established under the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, is the Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research and training. Offers a hotline to provide comprehensive, accurate information on a range of cancer topics, including the most recent advances in cancer treatment. Provides smoking cessation information, smoking cessation support and smoking prevention through a Quit Helpline, online downloadable resources at www.SmokeFree.gov, online live chat, and automated text messaging.