Childcare (special Needs) | United Rehabilitation Services Of Greater Dayton

Provides daycare to children ages 4 weeks to 17 years old who have disabilities in Montgomery County and other surrounding counties.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

4710 Old Troy Pike, Dayton, OH 45424


Mon. - Fri. 6:30am - 6:15pm


(937) 233-1230

voice | Youth Services Program Manager


(937) 236-8930

Application process

Contact by phone at 937-233-1230 x128 to schedule a tour of the facility.


The program has a $40.00 non-refundable registration fee per family.


Childcare serving children with special needs as well as typically developing children between the ages of 4 weeks to 17 years of age.

Service area

Greene County, Ohio Montgomery County, Ohio Preble County, Ohio

Agency info

United Rehabilitation Services Of Greater Dayton

United Rehabilitation Services (URS) mission is to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities or other special needs. URS was originally founded in 1956 as the Dayton Chapter of United Cerebral Palsy and is now providing services everyday to more than 400 children and adults with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, Alzheimer's, Pervasive Developmental Disorders and many other disabilities.