Peer To Peer Networking For New Parents | Postpartum Support International

Offers a peer mentorship program which pairs a new parent in need of mental health support with a trained volunteer who has experienced and fully recovered from a Perinatal Mood Disorder (PMD). Over a period of six months, peer mentors may provide education, guidance, and other assistance by phone, video call, text messaging, and/or email.

Data provided by

211 UWGC

Physical Address

6706 Southwest 54th Avenue, Portland, OR 97219


Notes: Time commitment and meeting times will vary based on mentee needs. A minimum of 30 minutes of communication per week is recommended.


(503) 894-9452


(800) 944-4773

voice | (800) 944-4PPD

Application process

Application required. Applications may be submitted online at




Open to parents experiencing perinatal mental health challenges, such as perinatal mood disorders. Participants must be within the perinatal period (conception through two years postpartum).

Service area

Ohio Kentucky

Agency info

Postpartum Support International

Nonprofit organization focused on promoting awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing.