Cuyahoga Small Business Development Center (sbdc) | Urban League Of Greater Cleveland

Provides help for those starting or wanting advice on the development of their small business. Program has two tracks: one provides a comprehensive series of classes that explores and educates participants on all aspects of starting their own business. The second track provides direct help in evaluating and expanding businesses already in existence.

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211 Cleveland

Physical Address

2930 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115


Varies. Classes are held monthly.


(216) 622-0997

Application process

Call M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm for scheduling of next classes or to set up appointment for business consultation. May also visit website for more information including scheduling information.


Most classes are free. Nominal fees for some.


Cuyahoga County residents. Targets but is not limited to African Americans.

Service area

Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Agency info

Urban League Of Greater Cleveland

Community-based organization focused on eliminating the racial, economic, and societal barriers that prevent Black Americans and other underrepresented/underserved communities of color from achieving their full potential. Serves as a convener, facilitator and advocate in the areas of civil rights, access to education, workforce development and economic empowerment.