Transportation To Medical Appointments | Anthem Insurance Companies

Provides up to 30 one way (or 15 round trip rides) to medical appointments and other needed services. Rides are available to dental and vision appointments; pharmacies; Women, Infants and Children (WIC) visits; county benefit offices for redetermination. May also provide mileage reimbursement for those who prefer to drive themselves. May also provide gift cards, gas cards and funds for car repairs.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

220 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204


By phone M-F: 7:00am-8:00pm.

Application process

Members may call to schedule a trip no less than 48 hours (2 business days) in advance (or up to 30 days in advance). During the COVID pandemic, Medicaid enrollees were not required to reverify to make sure they were still eligible for Medicaid benefits. The hold on these reverifications has ended and reverification reminder notices will be rolled out throughout the year. Enrollees should look out for reverification packets in the mail and report any address changes to their JFS office. More information can be found using the search term MEDICAID INFORMATION/COUSELING*MEDICAID RENEWALS.




Health plan members who reside in Ohio.

Service area


Agency info

Anthem Insurance Companies

Offers a health maintenance organization (HMO) for Medicaid recipients.