Foster Care - Ohio Youth Advocate Program, Inc. | National Youth Advocate Program, Inc.

This foster care program provides foster care to youth age 0-21. Components of the program for those enrolled include: personal progress plans, educational counseling, job training programs, foster care settings, independent living situations, personal advocates, and sex offender program. Also provides individual counseling & medication management.

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HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

1020 Woodman Dr Suite 390, Dayton, OH 45432


Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


(937) 253-0707


(937) 253-0707


(937) 253-0606

voice | Area Office

Application process

Must be referred from juvenile court.


Call for specific information regarding fees. Accepts Medicaid


Serves youth birth to 21 years, including: pregnant mothers, kids with MR/DD, mental health problems and A.I.D.S.

Service area

Champaign County, Ohio Clark County, Ohio

Agency info

National Youth Advocate Program, Inc.

This program provides alternatives to the standard juvenile delinquency setting through foster care services for youth age 0 - 21. Components of the program for those enrolled include: personal progress plans, educational counseling, job training programs, foster care settings, independent living situations, personal advocates, and sex offender program.