Specialized Information And Refrral - Mental Health Issues | Geauga County Board Of Mental Health And Recovery Services
Provides information and refferral on agencies providing mental health services to Geauga County residents.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024
M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm
(440) 285-9617
Application process
Phone for information during hours of service.
Serves Geauga County.
Service area
Geauga County, Ohio
Agency info
Geauga County Board Of Mental Health And Recovery Services
Ensures that quality mental health, alcohol and drug addiction services are available to all residents of Geauga County. Plans and coordinates a range of community-based services, allocates funds received from Federal, State and local sources to the appropriate agencies, provides education and prevention services to the community, and assures quality and cost effectiveness of community programs by monitoring programs provided by the agencies.