Medical Transportation For Plan Participants | Buckeye Community Health Plan

Round trip coverage for covered services 30+ miles away. Offers up to 30 round-trip visits (60 one-way trips) per member per 12- month period to covered healthcare/dental appointments, WIC appointments, and redetermination appointments with a county caseworker.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

4349 Easton Way, Ste. 400, Columbus, OH 43219


M-F: 7:00am-7:00pm by phone; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online.


(866) 246-4358

voice | Member Services


(866) 246-4356

voice | Administration


(866) 786-0482

Application process

Phone or go online 48 hours or two business days in advance of needed ride. Enrollees should look out for reverification packets in the mail and report any address changes to their JFS office. More information can be found using the search term MEDICAID INFORMATION/COUSELING * MEDICAID RENEWALS.




Members of the health plan who are aged 18 and over.

Service area


Agency info

Buckeye Community Health Plan

Offers a health maintenance organization (HMO) for Medicaid recipients as well as providing lines of insurance on the Marketplace and specialty services.