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Provides tutoring in math, reading and science for elementary school students. Also can help students prepare for Ohio tests and college entrance exams (ACT, SAT). Volunteer tutors are typically students from area colleges and universities. Participants also take local field trips to cultural and educational sites.
Provides tutoring in math, reading and science for elementary school students. Also can help students prepare for Ohio tests and college entrance exams (ACT, SAT). Volunteer tutors are typically students from area colleges and universities. Participants also take local field trips to cultural and educational sites.
College/University Entrance Examination Preparation
Elementary/Secondary Achievement Test Preparation
High School Exit Examination Preparation
Tutoring Services
Provides support, guidance with personal challenges, and workshops to help build confidence in securing employment. Services include connection to education and training, work readiness, career exploration, preparation for GED/High School Equivalency tests and high school graduation tests, resume and job skills preparation, use of computers for employment, and assistance with removing barriers to employment that may exist. "Participants are provided with case management to address barriers to self-sufficiency such as health, addiction/substance abuse issues, housing, education, transportation, etc."
Provides support, guidance with personal challenges, and workshops to help build confidence in securing employment. Services include connection to education and training, work readiness, career exploration, preparation for GED/High School Equivalency tests and high school graduation tests, resume and job skills preparation, use of computers for employment, and assistance with removing barriers to employment that may exist. "Participants are provided with case management to address barriers to self-sufficiency such as health, addiction/substance abuse issues, housing, education, transportation, etc."
Career Exploration
Prejob Guidance
Public Access Computers/Tools
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
WIOA Programs
Job Training Formats
High School Exit Examination Preparation
Case/Care Management