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Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).


Job Training Formats
Benefits and Services Assistance
Case/Care Management
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
Parenting Issues
Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).


Job Training Formats
Benefits and Services Assistance
Case/Care Management
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
Parenting Issues