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Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Job Training Formats
Benefits and Services Assistance
Case/Care Management
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
Parenting Issues
Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Provides the opportunity to get assistance with issues related to parenting, to apply for needed benefits (including possible help with rent and/or utilities), to participate in a job training program with the goal of employment, and to discuss with a case manager a plan for family success with a professional social worker. Service may include assistance with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Provides intensive assistance and case management to reunite families who have been seperated and aho have a case with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Job Training Formats
Benefits and Services Assistance
Case/Care Management
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
Parenting Issues