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Provides local governments with technical review of subdivisions and zoning amendments. Generates population data and housing reports, manages community development block grant funding, and prepares land use, housing, and transportation plans. Acts as a repository for aerial photographs, soil data, traffic data, and land use information.


Census Data
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Community Development Issues
Provides land use, zoning, development, and other community, regional, environmental and solid waste planning services. Focuses on the areas of economic and social conditions, land use, transportation systems, utility and community systems, public and private facilities and services, environmental control, natural resource development and conservation, long range programming, and financing of capital improvement projects.


Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Community Development Issues
Environmental Issues
Community or Neighborhood Building programs help neighborhoods regain a sense of pride in their community by helping them come together to make and sustain changes that support its residents and reduce violence and drug use.


Neighborhood Improvement Groups
Community Development Issues
Community or Neighborhood Building programs help neighborhoods regain a sense of pride in their community by helping them come together to make and sustain changes that support its residents and reduce violence and drug use.


Neighborhood Improvement Groups
Community Development Issues
Provides review of subdivisions and zoning amendments for townships in Geauga County. Gives zoning advice to townships, provides census data, and prepares community land use plans. Commission consists of three Geauga County Commissioners and eight other community members.
Provides outreach, information, and resources to manufacturing-related companies to address the challenges and problems that arise in the course of business operations. Serves as an advocate for business, helps to link workforce and business issues and resources, a liaison between the city and manufacturing, and a partner with public and private entities.


Business Recruitment and Attraction
Community Development Issues
Specialized Information and Referral