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Provides a central point of intake for those who need services from multiple agencies that offer services for victims of violent crime. Goal is to help the victim avoid the extra stress of traveling to several locations for different types of assistance. Victim advocates help with protection orders, communication with the police or prosecutors, and access to counseling, among other supportive services.


Elder Abuse Victims
Crime Victim Support
Sexually Abused Children
Sexually Abused Adults
Abused Men
Stalking Victims
Abused Women
Offers assistance in dealing with the justice system to individual victims of domestic violence, stalking or related crimes who are looking to file protective orders. Includes information on the legal process, accompaniment to court appointments, safety planning, and planning for next steps in the legal process. Advocates are not attorneys but have access to lists of attorneys who are knowledgeable about domestic violence. Also provides case management for survivors of domestic violence.


Stalking Victims
Crime Victim Support
Case/Care Management
Abused Women
Abused Men
Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Issues
Offers assistance in dealing with the justice system to individual victims of domestic violence (including elder abuse), stalking or related crimes. Includes information on the legal process, safety planning, and planning for next steps in the legal process. Advocates are not attorneys but have access to lists of attorneys who are knowledgeable about domestic violence. Advocates are assigned to the criminal municipal courts and are available assist victims with the criminal court process, including temporary protective orders. Accompaniment to court is provided to victims who live in the areas served. Accompaniment services are available for victims with criminal complaints, child custody cases, juvenile court cases if the parents have been together but never married, divorce cases, and domestic relations cases. Those who are clients may have access to donated cell phones to use in emergencies.


Abused Men
Protective/Restraining Orders
Crime Victim Support
Stalking Victims
Legal Information Services
Domestic Violence Issues
Abused Women