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Coordinates services and provides support for families with children with developmental delays. Through this program, parents and caregivers with concerns about their child’s development can have their infant or toddler evaluated by an interdisciplinary team at absolutely no cost to the family. Children are evaluated for delays in the areas of adaptive, cognitive, communication, physical, and social-emotional development using appropriate diagnostic tools. A service coordinator will work with the family as well as other service providers to develop a coordinated plan. This is a voluntary program that seeks to empower parents to better care for their special needs children.


Pediatric Developmental Screening
Specialized Information and Referral
Most Clinics are scheduled. Otherwise an appointment is recommended.


Childhood Immunization
Pediatric Developmental Screening
Flu Vaccines
Tuberculosis Clinics
Well Baby Care
Lead Testing
Offers full pediatric office visits for well and sick care. Offer an array of services for children including physical exams, immunizations, vision & hearing testing, developmental screening, autism screening, nutrition screening, dental assessment, referral information, social services assesments. Also offer car seats when available.


Pediatric Developmental Screening
Well Baby Care
General Physical Examinations
Childhood Immunization
Health Screening/Diagnostic Services
Eye Screening
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Dental Screening
Offers periodic Infant-toddler developmental screenings for children age 0-2 who are suspected of having a problem in hearing, language, learning, social-emotional, or motor skills. Screening takes about one hour.


Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Pediatric Developmental Screening
Provides a family support program for pregnant women or new parents. Promotes healthy growth and development for babies and young children. Offers trained professional home visitors who offer guidance, information, developmental delay screening, and support for parents on various topics including: - Healthy pregnancies. - Baby and child health. - Breastfeeding. - Nutrition. - Immunizations. - Child growth and development. - Discipline. - Toilet training. - Child safety. - Household safety.


Pediatric Developmental Screening
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Children 6 and under experiencing challenges such as: behavioral concerns, including disruuptive or aggressive behaviors, attention and hyperactivity issues, trauma, developmental issues such as autism or pervasive develomental disorders, and attachment problems.


Pediatric Developmental Screening
Provides behavior training, transition training, developmental screenings and specialized workshops on early childhood issues.


Case/Care Management Referrals
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Parenting Skills Classes
Pediatric Developmental Screening